I saw this in the window of a baby store by my house. I find it to be kinda twisted. Poor turkeys. I don't think they are happy to be meals at all.
These guys are happy turkeys though: I won't lie, I'm still going to eat turkey this year. But at least they're free range! As my mother says: "They enjoy a luxurious life prior to their execution." I guess that makes me feel a little better...
Last weekend I went to Placerville with my friend Christina. Based on my observations many of the men there appeared to be very into jackets emblazoned with the American flag or American eagle, motorcycles and pick up trucks, and country music. Not one metrosexual; and coming from San Francisco this was quite a culture shock.
To get the full effect of being in Placerville Christina and I also listened to some country music as we drove home from Apple Hill. There was one song I found particularly entertaining; sung by a man who reminisced of the "good ol days when men were men" and vowing to never wear tight jeans (we'll just say hipsters are the exception), pluck his eyebrows etc. So when I was sent a link to a pantyhose site for men I automatically thought of that song and thought "this could never fly in Placerville."
To each his own, I won't judge. Pantyhose are a great fashion accessory, and can really keep you warm (when you are wearing a dress or skirt); so who am I to stop men from wearing them? But I have to say, I expect they'd be rather uncomfortable....
Yes, I know what today is. And yes, I know what I am supposed to do today. Here's my thought on Election Day:
I know that it is my right and responsibility to vote today. I voted, it's done and I did my part. Now I'd like to know why people keep asking me if I voted. By asking me, are you reminding me? And if you have to remind someone, do you think maybe they don't care enough to vote? If so, I commend you for taking action and trying to persuade them to vote and make a difference, but I really don't think reminding them (and most likely lecturing them) will help.
Another thing I've been thinking about this morning is 'what next'? Let's say your vote wins, but people are still unhappy. Who/what will people turn to next?
All this said, I do agree it's important to vote, and I will leave you with these wonderful kids (they have the right idea):
My name is Shirin. Shirin means "sweet" in Farsi; so you could say I was destined to love sweets! I'm always looking for an opportunity to bake and make tasty treats. I hope you enjoy my blog!